Tags in Microsoft Teams allows you to quickly and easily notify a group of people within a Team without notifying everyone in the Team using @mentions. A good example of this is if you had a Project Team, and within that Project Team you had 5 Project Managers, 6 consultants and a few managers and you wanted to send an update that was relevant to the Project Managers only, without notifying everyone.
To start, you need to be the owner of the Team. Click on the 3 dots next to the team, then manage tags.
If your team doesn’t have any tags already, you can select create tag to start.
From here you can give your tag a name and add people. Anyone you add will be notified when you @mention this tag. You can have up to 100 team members assigned to a tag if required.
When you click create, you can see a list of tags that have been created in the Team.
If I click on the 3 dots next to the tag, I can copy the tag or delete.
Now, when I post a message in any channel of the Team, I can use the @mention @projectmanagers and only notify those in the tag:
A team can have up to 100 tags, up to 100 team members can be assigned to a tag, and up to 25 tags can be assigned to a single user.
Microsoft have some great examples of Tagging use cases in Microsoft Teams:
- A store manager posts an announcement to a channel to notify all cashiers.
- A hospital administrator sends a message to all radiologists in a channel.
- A marketing manager starts a group chat with all designers.
- A nurse sends a message to all on-call cardiologists.
- A system engineer posts an announcement to a channel to notify all on-shift field engineers.