Microsoft provides analytics on how many active users, people, guests, posts, and replies, on any Team that you are part of. You don’t need to be an administrator to do this and it can be useful to see which Teams are being used and how many guests (external users) have been added to each Team.

There are three types of analytics you can view in Microsoft Teams; Cross-team analytics (view all Teams usage), Per-team analytics (view one Teams usage) and Channel analytics.

To view all Teams usage or Cross-team analytics, open your Teams client and click on the cogwheel next to “Join or Create a Team.”


This will open 2 tabs, one to view the Teams you are in, and an analytics tab. Click on analytics to view Teams usage.


You can see how many people are in the Team, how many guests are in it, and how many people are using the Team. At the top, you can filter to last 7 days, last 30 days, or last 90 days. This information is useful to help clean-up Teams. If you are the owner of a Team and it is not used, you can delete it and create a Channel instead. It can also help see if your Team has guests in it, so you can check before posting anything that might be confidential.

You have to be either a member or an owner of the Team to see this information.

To view individual Team usage or Per-team analytics, click on a Team in the list and it will open up the individual analytics for that Team.


You can see how many users were active in the Team, how many apps are used, meetings that have happened in the Channel and the general engagement of the Team.


There is even a detailed look at the active users and the top inactive Channels.

You can also get to this page by clicking on the 3 dots next to the Team and manage Team, then choosing the analytics tab.


To view Channel analytics, click on the 3 dots next to the Channel and choose manage channel. Then click on the analytics tab.


In Channel analytics you can see a summary of engagement and users. You can also filter to view last 7, 30 or 90 days.


Team analytics can help clean up Teams and Channels and get an insight into how the Team or Channel is being used.

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The Viva Connections Dashboard provides quick, easy access to information and tasks related to your job. Dashboard content can be tailored to specific roles, markets,

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